Team Chair Competency Model

Desired Competency: Technically Current

Desired Proficiency

  • Possesses technical credentials for the position
  • Fully knowledgeable about accreditation criteria, policies, and procedures
  • Skilled in the use of technology needed to participate in all aspects of the evaluation

Application During Campus Visit

  • Possesses technical credentials for the position
  • Fully knowledgeable about accreditation criteria, policies, and procedures
  • Completes documentation of the evaluation on the accreditation management system

Desired Competency: Effective Communicator

Desired Proficiency

  • Understands the importance of clear, timely communications with all parties involved in the accreditation process
  • Able to clearly and tactfully communicate criterion-centered statements of finding and observation both orally and in written form
  • Knowledgeable about standards for draft and final statement content and organization
  • Demonstrates cultural competence and social awareness in all behaviors

Application During Campus Visit

  • Keeps the institution, the program evaluators, any other team chairs, and ABET informed before, during, and after the visit
  • Interacts with institutional personnel to gain understanding of institutional context
  • Writes clear, succinct, criterion-centered statements of finding conforming to the timelines, formats and standards established by ABET and the relevant commission
  • Effectively communicates suggestions for continuous improvement
  • Uses inclusive and respectful language
  • Adjusts behavior appropriately to cultural context

Desired Competency: Good Team Manager

Desired Proficiency

  • Able to build team cohesion and effectively manage team meetings and activities
  • Able to bring the team to consensus, exhibiting skill in finding common ground and fostering cooperation
  • Able to diplomatically manage an effective exit meeting

Application During Campus Visit

  • Effectively manages interactions with and between team members
  • Enables full participation of all team members by requesting and providing reasonable accommodations
  • Identifies issues contributing to difference of opinion and guides the team in resolution of these issues
  • Manages the exit interview diplomatically, in collaboration with any other team chairs, so that it proceeds at an orderly pace and is conducted in the requisite time frame

Desired Competency: Professional

Desired Proficiency

  • Exhibits professional demeanor
  • Adheres to the highest standards of professional ethics and integrity
  • Committed to contributing to the accreditation process, adding value

Application During Campus Visit

  • Demonstrates respect for the institution, all institutional personnel, and all individuals involved in the visit
  • Applies the relevant criteria with appropriate professional judgment
  • Effectively communicates constructive suggestions for continuous improvement
  • Upholds ABET’s Code of Conduct

Desired Competency: Organized and Responsive

Desired Proficiency

  • Focuses on meeting deadlines and communicating with all parties in a timely manner (pre-visit, during the visit, and post-visit)
  • Acts effectively in managing visit logistics

Application During Campus Visit

  • Makes visit arrangements well in advance of the visit, in collaboration with any other team chairs
  • Manages team activities so that the evaluation proceeds in an orderly manner
  • Completes and submits all required forms, draft and final statements in a timely manner

Desired Competency: Leadership

Desired Proficiency

  • Takes responsibility, facilitating constructive discussion and fostering closure
  • Exhibits adaptability and sound judgment
  • Fosters an inclusive team environment that is cohesive and well organized
  • Builds trust within the team and between the team and the institution

Application During Campus Visit

  • Fosters an inclusive environment in which team members can speak freely, demonstrating respect for members of all ABET teams
  • Provides support for team members and establishes appropriate ground rules; helps team members to succeed
  • Maintains an open mind but guides team deliberations so as to establish a decision-making process that effectively deals with differences of opinion