Team Chair Badge

In our commitment to formally recognize our volunteer experts’ invaluable expertise in program evaluation on behalf of ABET, we are thrilled to offer microcredentials for Team Chairs. Earners of the Team Chair Badge are review team leaders, representing ABET and the profession in all interactions with the review team and institution.

Four accreditation commissions lead and conduct ABET accreditation activities in the areas of applied and natural science, computer science, engineering, and engineering technology. Team Chairs are current or former members of the commission appointed by the Commission Executive Committee to lead a visit team.

Team Chairs are primarily responsible for the fair and accurate review of an institution’s programs. They are the primary contact with the institution and the dean of each program being evaluated during a review. Effective communication, both orally and written, is a critical competency of a Team Chair, as communication with the institution, team, and ABET is required throughout the entire visit process. Additionally, the Team Chair is responsible for writing the Draft Statement at the conclusion of the visit and presenting findings at the July Commission Meeting.

Team Chairs are required to have attended formal Program Evaluator Training and served as a Program Evaluator  on at least three accreditation reviews. Successful Team Chairs exhibit the knowledge, skills, and attitudes listed in the ABET Team Chair Competency Model and are evaluated against these competencies after each assigned program evaluation.